University of Oulu


Intensive graduate course for Ph.D. students. Lecturer: Dr. Bernd Schönbauer, Senior researcher at BOKU.


This intensive postgraduate course on the fatigue properties of materials in the high cycle fatigue (HCF) and very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime is intended for postgraduate students and engineers working in industry.



* by latest 31st May, 2024.

The course is given by Dr Bernd M. Schönbauer from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria who also holds the title of docent at the University of Oulu, Faculty of Technology. His area of expertise is fatigue and fracture mechanics, and the course topics are related to his research interests such as defect tolerance, environmental effects (e.g. corrosion fatigue, pit-to-crack transition), VHCF and experimental testing using the ultrasonic fatigue testing technique.

In addition to lecture, exercises will be performed where participants learn to solve simple fatigue problems utilising the methods presented during the lectures.

  • The aim of the course is to provide participants with basic knowledge of metal fatigue and to give insights into defect tolerant fatigue design, even for very long lifetimes.
  • Initially, a basic overview on fatigue mechanisms and fracture mechanics will be given. Based on that knowledge, methods will be discussed how to determine the fatigue strength of a material in the presence of defects or cracks.
  • Further, influences on the cyclic strength such as mean loads, residual stresses and environmental degradation will be addressed.
  • Extrapolation of laboratory data to load bearing components and structures will be another topic.
  • The last part of the course is on very high cycle fatigue. Changes in failure mechanisms such as crack initiation from interior defects and very slow crack propagation will be the main topics.
  • Finally, advanced testing techniques in the VHCF regime will be described with focus on the ultrasonic fatigue testing method.


    • Lecture notes and course material will be provided via a download link. Participants should bring their own laptops in order to solve exercises during the lecture.
    • Attending lectures, successful completion of exercises and preparation of homework will give 5 credits.